Procedure of ordering of hydrographic measurements.
- To order hydrographic measuremets, please fill “Application for Hydrographic Measurements”. The Application must be sent to lja; the original must be submitted before receipt of measurement data. The applicant guarantees to cover the costs for the service in accordance with the price list, and undertakes to provide:
- Proper opportunity for launching the necessary watercraft into water and proper access to the aquatorium. If it is not possible to launch the equipment or the place of launching is located on a private property, the customer shall cover the costs to move the equipment to a place appropriate for launching;
- Usage of slip free of charge and parking for the vehicle transporting the equipment;
- Access for employees of Hydrographic Service to restricted areas of the port or respective municipality or in a private territory, as well as permission for the vehicle to access the area.
2. Calculation of the volume of the measurements is prepared and costs of measurements are calculated.
3. An agreement regarding the works shall be concluded.
4. When measurements are completed, the data are processed and an invoice written.
5. The measurement data can be received by an authorised person after covering the invoice and signing Act of Acceptance. (Number of originals without additional costs – not more than 3 pcs.
Measurement vessel KRISTIĀNS DĀLS
MMSI: 275027000
Call sign: YLAD
Home port: Riga, reg. No. 0123
Catamaran type: Al 19.8x6.7x1.3; GT 33t; DWT 9t
Engine: 2x165kW IVECO; auxiliary engine: NANNI DIESEL 4.220 20 kW
Ātrums: 11 mezgli
Crew: 4
Autonomous shipping time: 3 days
Building year: 2001, FINLAND UUDENKAUPUNGIN TYOVENE OY, Finland.
Navigation equipment: Furuno FRS 1000 - radar/plotter, JLR-21 GPS compass, Furuno VHF FM 8500 – radio phone.
Measurement equipment: Reson SeaBat 7101 multibeam echosounder; TRIMBLE GNSS SPS 855 with TRIMBLE GSM MSN 940 modem for RTK TRIMBLE VRS Now TEC corrections or Marinestar; Hemisphere Crescent VS110 GPS compass; Leica 530 RTK GPS; Octans EM 1000 motion sensor; SVP-15 sound speed detector in water; GeoAcoustics Dual Frequency side sonar.
Measurement boat SONĀRS
MMSI: 275041111
Call sign: YL2893
Home port: Rīga, reg. No. 3100
Single hull type, aluminum Al 7.25m x 2.4m x 0.6m;
Engine: 110.3kW YAMAHA F150ATE; emergency engine: SUZUKI 50HP; portable generator: Honda 0.9kW
Navigation equipment: FURUNO GP-32 GPS, ICOM-M323 VHF, FURUNO 1715 RADAR,
Safety equipment: ARIMAR automatic life-boat for 4 persons., MARINE POOL automatic life jackets, life buoys.
Max speed: 32 knots
Crew: 2+1 (max 8 pers.)
Autonomous shipping time: 1 day
Built: 2014, Arronet Teknik AB, Sweden
Measurement equipment: Reson SeaBat T20-P multibeam echosounder system; positioning system TRIMBLE SPS 461 with TRIMBLE GSM MSN 940 modem for RTK TRIMBLE VRS Now TEC corrections or Marinestar; sound speed detector in water SVP-15, SVP-71; IMU SMC-108 motion sensor; Marine Magnetics Explorer Mini Marine Magnetometer; Teledyne PDS data acquisition software.
Measurement boat BLESSER 505 WA
Home port: Riga; reg. No.: LV-7323
Single hull plastic boat; dimensions: 5.05m x 2.40m x 0.40m
Engine: 2 x 50HP Suzuki; portable generator: Honda 0.9kW
Max speed: 16 knots
Crew: 2+1
Autonomous shipping time: 1 day
Measurement equipment: Deso Atlas 15 single beam echo sounder; positioning –Hemisphere Crescent VS110 GPS compass; sound speed detector in water – SVP-15, Marine Magnetics Explorer Mini Marine Magnetometer; HYPACK data acquisition software.