Masters and officers who hold a foreign STCW certificate of competency or a certificate of proficiency for tankers and are appointed to serve on vessels flying the Latvian flag shall hold an endorsement (FSE) issued by the Latvian Registry of Seamen in accordance with the STCW reg.I/10.
There are no nationality restrictions associated with officers or crew sailing on Latvian vessels. Masters and officers may be of any nationality provided they are holders of certificates of competency issued in accordance with the STCW Convention by the country, which is recognized in accordance with STCW Convention reg.I/10 by Latvia and European Commission (List of parties which has concluded written undertaking with the Republic of Latvia for the purpose of the recognition of certificates in accordance withe regulation I/10 of the STCW convention). The Latvian Registry of Seaman doesn’t issue endorsements for ratings. Ratings should hold a certificate of proficiency issued in accordance with STCW Convention by the country, which is identified in the IMO STCW “White List”.
The validity of a foreign certificate to be recognised should be at least six months from the date of receiving application for Flag State Endorsement (FSE). The validity period of a foreign CoC should be not more than 5 years from the date of issue.
Note! The Latvian Endorsement of Recognition must always be presented together with the original certificate.
The Latvian Registry of Seamen does not accept the application for FSE by e-mail, all documents should be presented personally or send by post (courier) to the address:
VSIA "Latvijas Jūras administrācija",
Jūrnieku reģistrs,
Katrīnas iela 2a,
Rīga, LV-1045,
tel. 00 371 67099401
fax.00 371 67323100
e-mail: jr

Time for proceeding an application for FSE and issuance of CRA upon receipt of the application is about 3 business days. The working hours of the Latvian Registry of Seamen are 8:00 - 16: 45 from Monday to Thursday and 08:00 - 15:30 on Friday.
The Latvian Registry of Seamen issues the Certificate of receipt of application (CRA), if the required documents and fee have been submitted and are correct – valid for three month. The Latvian Registry of Seamen can send the CRA by email. Then after verification of authenticity of submitted documents – the FSE is issued. Fee must be paid prior receiving CRA and FSE. For receiving documents candidate or ships owner’s representative (showing letter of warranty) has to arrive personally to the Latvian Registry of Seamen. Originals of CRA and FSE can be sent via courier to the ships owner’s representative, all expenses are payable by the ships owner’s representative. In that case, it is necessary to provide the courier company name, which is operating in Latvia and the accounting number of the ships owner’s representative company.
In order to speed up the matter and ask for comments on the documents from the Latvian Registry of Seamen, before sending off the documents by courier, please send all documents to
Shipowner should ensure that the ship’s master, chief officer, chief engineer officer and second engineer officer certified abroad (in a foreign country) and applying for the issue of Endorsement attesting the recognition of a certificate of competency has a good knowledge of maritime legislation norms of the Republic of Latvia.
Documents to Submit
To apply for the FSE a representative of a shipowner (from Latvia or another EU country) shall submit to the Latvian Registry of Seamen the following (documents):
- Application form duly completed ;
- Copy of the person’s identification document;
- Copies of the relevant certificate of competency and endorsement (for Masters and Deck officers also GMDSS General Operator certificate);
- Copy of seafarer’s medical fitness certificate (international certificate issued in accordance with STCW);
- One colour photo (3,5 x 4,5 cm) or face digital image (Requirements for photography).
- The letter from the company confirming the planned employment of the seafarer on the Latvian flag ship (showing the candidate’s name, surname, the position, the name and the IMO number of the vessel);
- Certificate of proficiency (issued according to STCW Convention reg. V/1-1 and V/1-2), when working on tanker ships.