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Recognition and Certification of Recognized Organisations

Recognition and certification of Recognized Security Organizations

1. Recognition, certification and supervision of performance of recognized security organization (hereinafter – organization) is carried out by Maritime Administration of Latvia.
2. Maritime Administration can recognize the organization by taking a decision to issue a certificate of conformity to the organization for a period of six years to carry out one or several of the following actions:

  • Assessment of ship security;
  • Ship security inspections and certification;
  • Development of ship security plan and its amendments;
  • Development of port security plans and its amendments;
  • Development of port facility security plan and its amendments
  • Training of port personnel according to legal acts regarding security of ships, shipping companies, ports and port facilities;
  • Training of port facilities’ personnel according to legal acts regarding security of ships, shipping companies, ports and port facilities.

3. Applicant willing to obtain a certificate to carry out the abovementioned actions, shall submit to the Maritime Administration an application form and documents certifying applicant’s compliance with the relevant requirements.
4. State Security Service upon request of Maritime Administration shall carry out an inspection and give a conclusion if the applicant who applied for the certificate of conformity, complies with the requirements, and if security authorities or State Police do not have information that gives a reason to believe that activities of the applicant is in controversy with Latvian Constitution, laws or other legal acts and is against state’s or society’s legitimate interests.
5. Maritime Administration shall review the submitted information and take one of the following decisions:

  • To issue a certificate of compliance to carry out one or several individual actions specified in the application;
  • To refuse issue a certificate of compliance.

6. If Maritime Administration takes a decision to recognize the applicant as a recognized security organization, it shall prepare and issue a decision as well as certificate of compliance where the expiration date is specified.
7. List of Organizations shall be posted on Maritime Administration website specifying actions the Organization has been certified for, as well as certificate’s expiration date.
8. Maritime Administration shall at least once in two years carry out Organization’s audit. Audits of foreign organizations shall be carried out at the representative office in the territory of Latvia. If there is no representative office in Latvia, the audit can be carried out at the foreign office. Maritime Administration is allowed to carry out extraordinary audits if there is information that the Organization doesn’t meet the requirements of regulations.
9. Maritime Administration can take a decision to cancel the certificate of compliance if inconformity to the legal acts has been stated at the Organization’s activities.

List of Recognized Security Organizations 

No. Name Contacts Volume of recognition Certificate expiry date
1. SIA “SC Group” Ezera str. 22-406, Rīga, LV-1034, Latvia
Tel.: + 371 29227329
Fax: +371 67691410
Develop security plan for ports and port facilities; training of port, port facility security officers and personnel. 28.04.2026.
2. AS “G4S Latvia” Stigu str. 10, Rīga, LV-1021, Latvia
Tel.: +371 67516975; 29403950
Fax: +371 67515449
Develop security plan for ports and port facilities; training of port, port facility security officers and personnel. 19.03.2030.